Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Okay so I agree with the “Bitches Get Stuff Done” sentiment in general, because it’s empowering and it’s allowing women already in positions of power to feel more secure and less anxious about appeasing ridiculous patriarchal expectations.
There’s an issue I have with it that I’ve yet to see anyone address. The term “bitch” when applied to a person is defined as “a spiteful or unpleasant woman.” The problem that currently exists, that this campaign is attempting to correct, is that people who are being directed or reprimanded by women are erroneously using it to mean “an assertive woman who doesn’t allow your shit to phase her.” By allowing and even condoning this definition, it’s relieving the people who use it of wrong-doing instead of pulling them up on their crap, while simultaneously encouraging those to whom it is applied to be spiteful and unpleasant.
This leads to workplaces in which a bunch of immature manchildren are hating on their female boss, a female boss is liberated from the expectation of cordiality, and a remainder of actually mature coworkers are caught in the crossfire, and none of this is a healthy environment for any of these people to be working in.
It does go beyond the cubicle farms. The same problem occurs in literally every scenario in which “bitch” is applied to someone. The only way to fix the issue is to condemn the word and those who use it.

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